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The AWARE FOUNDATION, Inc. Testimonials

"I did not know your website existed until I was notified by my Crime Prevention Specialist & Public Information Officer.  I am amazed at your response.  With such an old case, there is not much enthusiasm.  I read a few of the reviews on the site and see that you live up to their comments.  Let me know what you need from me.  I see that you are a Hokie; I am one also but from a long, long time ago.  I miss Tech.  Thanks for the assist."
Detective C. van Noppen
Manassas City Police
April, 2016


"To Kenny and all of you that support The AWARE Foundation, I will never be able to say thank you enough for your support as we went through this nightmare to locate my granddaughter. I have never met you Kenny but your online support, care and prayers have helped me through some dark times.

Thank God for YOU! I have so much admiration for you and your organization.  I will forever be an advocate for the missing and hope that someday I can dedicate all of my time to locate lost family members.  Until then my online support will be 100%."
April, 2016


"Thank you so much for everything you did to help us look for Bob.  I am eternally grateful."
Allison Havey
April, 2016


"I want to thank you for all the shares and prayers, and to let you know that our daughter, Dana Vanderbilt, has been found safe!  Dad is picking her up in the Bronx.  This could have ended so many other ways, and we truly appreciate the efforts of each and every person who has contributed to the search for our daughter.  Keep up the awesome work!  

Special thanks to Kenny Jarels for reaching out to me and helping me through this.  We cannot thank you enough!
Dana Vanderbilt's mother
April, 2016


"I want to thank Kenny Jarels and The Aware foundation for all their help. Today a friend of mine posted that no one had heard from her 20 year old son since Monday. We thought a police report had been filed but The Aware Foundation contacted police and was told it had not. However, after talking to his parents and sharing their post he contacted his dad.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I have turned to Kenny for help. Months ago my friend's daughter went missing from home. Kenny made the flyer and it reached over 100,000 people in 8 hours. She was located.

I am so proud to report that after seeing how much she meant to her family, she returned to her family.  Thank you to Kenny, Aware, and the community.  She is finishing high school and has a scholarship to attend college. What you are doing is saving and changing lives!"
​Caleb and Barbie
March, 2016


"Hey Kenny, I'm keeping up with everything you're doing on Facebook. Keep up the hard work and fighting the good fight."
​Bob Grebe, WHSV
March, 2016


"All I can say Kenny is God bless you! I don't know how you do this everyday. I know when you find someone the gift to tell the family MUST be beyond anything in the world, but the work and the stress of thinking about them all everyday, you must just be an angel!!"
March, 2016


"Thank you to everyone who shared the post, prayed for him and called today. He was just found and is now safe. Thank you to Kenny Jarels and The AWARE Foundation for all their FAST assistance with finding my brother! THANK YOU!​"
​March, 2016


"Thank you for creating the poster for Ember. I shared it to our Ember Skye Graham Is Still Missing Facebook wall just now. 
We're coming up on a year without Ember. Although it's heartbreaking to try to face that fact, we're hoping it might prompt someone to say something, turn in a tip, or do anything that might help us bring Ember home. We also know we'd benefit from guidance from someone with more experience who could help us navigate through this difficult time.

We're grateful for your help and would appreciate any support and advice you can provide to us in the future. We're always available to discuss ideas to create more awareness for Ember's case."
Shelley Layne
March, 2016


"Wiese Law Firm was instrumental in shutting down not one, not two, but THREE web sites containing kiddie porn in the last 48 hours.  It was a sad sight to come across, but we took immediate action.  And, but for local attorney Rob Dean, I never would have found them. 

Thank you Rob for helping us keep kids safe everywhere!!! And thanks also to April Staton, Michelle Vandergrift, and Kenny Jarels for also helping me report this properly!"
Vicki Francois, Attorney
March, 2016


"Thanks for sending along this page, Kenny!  We'll keep an eye on it.  Thank you for all you do for the missing!"
Dateline NBC 
March, 2016


"Thanks Kenny.  We can always count on your assistance and it is appreciated."
Campbell County Sheriff's Office
March, 2016


"Emma was found safe. Thank you to all of you who shared photos.  We are incredibly grateful.  Thanks to Kenny Jarels.  You do amazing work!"
Emma's Mother
March, 2016


"I need to tell you that what Cheyenne endured in the seven days she went missing is sickening to my entire family. Thankfully with all your help and help with all involved in your program, Chey is now back home.

It seems that the entire world took a few seconds out of their life to share your poster to help bring her home. The Sherriff's department told both Terri and I that in the history of working in law enforcement, he has never had this much help and seen so many people stepping up to help find her.

We needed everyone's help in finding her...YOU STEPPED UP AND HELPED US WHEN WE NEEDED IT MOST!

Your poster, TV news broadcast, radio, police leads helped but it was your help that helped them bring her back.  You and your help will never be forgotten."
Cheyenne's Mother
March, 2016


"Thank you all so much for sharing and spreading the word.  All the hard work has paid off and Sabrina is safe and has been reunited with her mom.  THANK YOU."
March, 2016


"Hello.  I first want to say thank you so much for posting about my daughter, Tatyana, being missing.  She has been found and is getting the help she needs.  Without the help from this group and the public, I may not have my daughter back.  So with that being said, thank you from the bottom of heart."
Tatyana's Mother
March, 2016 


"Thank you Kenny Jarels so much!!  When they come begging for help, I don't know what else to tell them other than your name and how wonderful you are. I will work on media on my end, as I am not to far from Fort Walton.  Thanks Kenny and much love!"
March, 2016


"Kenny Jarels and a very concerned friend was there and the both helped me find my daughter along with Ohio LEO when she went missing...I am so very great-full to both. They helped me save her from the Heroin Devil and the Sex Traffickers here in Indiana and Ohio. My daughter is alive.. but shes still in prison while the Heroin dealers & Sex Traffickers are still running free.. Now my sons Luke Griffin is dead because of Sex trafficking.. All Luke wanted was his daughter safe... Indiana needs the The Aware Foundation ....."

September, 2016


"I want to take a moment to thank everyone for the heartfelt love and prayers for my daughter-in-law Melissa, this is such a sad and horrific thing this is something you see on TV not something you think's going to happen to a loved one but I would like to express our gratitude to Kenny Jarels for all of your help we all really appreciate you ."


"I want to first off say THANK YOU everyone for everything!!! From sharing my post to inbox messages, prayers kind words! Wow! We sometimes feel we live in a area that is nothing but violence and cold hearts! But you guys showed us so much love I can’t be more thankful for my community right now! I heard the most awful news today by someone I fell off with really bad a few months ago, but still had the heart to contact me on the possible location of a loved one. Wow! I can’t express my gratitude!!! Life is so short, please hold your love ones close and be thankful for everyday lived! Our search is over and the family is now planning laying him to rest! Again thank you everyone for sharing, kind words; messages and offering to help! Also a very special recognition to Kenny Jarels and the Aware foundation for everything they do! A complete stranger who organized so much in our search!!! Amazing please pray for my best friend as she lays her brother to rest; as well as his wife; his mother, his little brother...... And the rest of the family! Thank you so much!" 


February,  2018


I just want to say thank you for all your help finding my granddaughter quickly. Without your help she may not have made it home safely. I am very great full for your help

Aubrey Russell's Grandmother 

February, 2019


Folks, a group that does so much more than any other. They put out info, they are on the phone with relatives, working with the local law enforcement, they are involved in looking for the missing all across the nation. They are more involved in personal matters after the missing child/adult is found, than anyone else. Hint: Problems often don’t just magically end when someone is found. If I must say so myself, I have a reputation in this little city and around the NRV, and I would place all my trust in the Aware Foundation over any other group. Look them up on FB! #TheAwareFoundation

David Trail, Retired Detective

June, 2019


Thank you for sending me a link to this foundation. It will take me a long time to properly thank everyone but I had to share their update. The Aware Foundation took immediate action to build awareness of my sons disappearance and was one of many who baby stepped us through what to do next (our brains stopped functioning at times).

Stacy Seay Wallace

September, 2019




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